March 21, 2025

I was busy all day, but didn’t really take pictures. And I could have! Oh, well. I got a phone message last week that our power was going to be out all morning for routine maintenance. So I got up a little early and got several chores done so it wouldn’t matter. I got a call from Renee at Mike’s office and they needed help. After breakfast I adjusted my schedule and headed over there.

"The electricity went out."
It did go out but not sure for how long.

Once that was done I went straight to Kathy’s. We had planned a meeting to discuss some of our summer and vacation plans. Our Mt. Vernon trip (April) seems pretty organized and the important things are settled.

Mt Vernon

We also discussed our trip to New York in July. That discussion was mostly about dates and times and finances. We even watched a movie on the history of a prominent family in Schenectady.

Kathy took the reins to plan the next Skunk Hollow event and sent out an email. The first step is to pick a date that everyone is available. We’re considering Linn Run.

Peyton at Linn Run -2016

I had lunch at Kathy’s – she made spring (summer? I never remember!) broccoli salad, veggie pizza, and applesauce. We had a slice of nut roll for dessert. I’m still not hungry for supper! After lunch we sat around for about an hour and just chatted. We didn’t solve any problems or uncover the answer to the mysteries of the universe but we did have a nice visit!

Stock image – but close!

On the way home I grabbed about 6 items at the store, then came home and washed the windows. They were in desperate need to be cleaned! So now I have everything filed in the correct folder or drawer ready for the next steps. And my windows are clean!

Dirty windows (screen in)
Clean window (screen in)



Peanuts - Snoopy Spring Flowers Magnetic Clips - 6 pack

TOMORROW March 22nd is:

As Young as you Feel Day; Daffodil Day; Gryffindor Pride Day; International Goof Off Day; International Seal Day; Talk Like William Shakespeare Day; Walk in the Sand Day; World Water Day; National Corn Dog day.

I may goof off a little, but not all day. I have a list! No sand here, no water here. I don’t like corn dogs… God bless.

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March 20, 2025

Happy first day of spring. It did not feel like spring today. It was cloudy, chilly, and rain on and off. But we know it’s coming, groundhog or no groundhog.

May be a doodle of ‎text that says '‎И HAPPINESS IS SPRING 1/6د Se ©PNTS © PNTS‎'‎

The sunrise was beautiful and had me hopeful. Didn’t quite pan out perfectly. I had a few things to do in Jeannette, then stopped at Mike P’s. They had probably one of the most messed up title situations I’m seen in a while. We talked about solutions so now we wait to see what happens.

I dropped a small bag of items at Goodwill, then stopped at the bank, then came home and had lunch. Just a can of soup. I got several green peppers given to me, so I washed them and cut them up in tiny pieces. Now when I’m hungry for stuffed pepper soup it won’t take so long.

The Big Ticket Item for the day was the closing on the cabin property. Kathy and I have been debating back and forth on passing it on for absolute years. It’s very nostalgic to us and has strong family memories. The issue is that we cannot manage to get out there often enough for the upkeep. I knew my cousin Eric REALLY wanted the property, which would keep it in the family. So after all the negotiations and decisions we met at the lawyer’s office and the deed is done (Pun intended). It’s very bittersweet. But as Eric says, changing owners doesn’t erase the memories, or the opportunities to visit family that still live in the area. I’m looking at this as a blessing for all of us – hoping the property will be loved and appreciated!

Dad building the cabin – 1963
Cabin new
Bigger and better – years later.

Scripture of the Day:


May be an image of text that says 'PEANUTS THIS IS M4 "FIRST DAY OF SPRING" DANCE.. wvent Davens D Whhe PnU นเ ਡ 3-20 20'

TOMORROW March 21st is:

Big Bang Day; Credit Card Reduction Day; Educational Freedom Day; Harmony Day; International Day of Forests; Memory Day; National California Strawberry Day; National Countdown Day; National Crunchy Taco Day; National Flower Day; National French Bread Day; National Single Parent Day; National Teenager Day; Spring Fairy Fun Day.

What are we supposed to remember? Not to over-use our credit cards. Flowers are nice! Bless all the single parents. Have a happy day. God bless…

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March 19, 2025

So I need to say that I really just fussed around all day. I cleaned the kitchen, the bathrooms, and the laundry room. I dusted and ran the sweeper and did laundry. Took the trash can up to the road. So there is my exciting day.

It was really nice, weather wise, so I went outside and swept some of the garage, the driveway, and the patio stones. It felt good to be outside for a little while. After being outside in the dirt yesterday, I woke this morning to sore muscles in several areas – but that’s ok. Can life get any more interesting than that? Below are a few clusters of purple blooms from my vines.

In between all my chores I kept reading the series I’m in the middle of. I’m really impressed by this author. Her descriptions are very unique and they pull you into the setting and the characters feelings easily. Once I finish this series I plan to try to find a way to contact her and leave a message.

Scripture of the Day:

Bible Verses Background Images – Browse 9,708 Stock Photos ...


May be an image of text

TOMORROW March 20th is:

World Flour Day; World Frog Day; World Storytelling Day; Absolutely Incredible Kids Day; Alien Abduction Day; Astrology Day; Companies that Care Day; Dogs in Yellow Day; Great American Meat Out Day; Hufflepuff Pride Day; International Day of Happiness; March Equinox (First day of Spring); National Ravioli Day; Won’t you be my Neighbor Day.

I love stories! I know some incredible kids, and a lot of companies care. Don’t worry: Be HAPPY! SPRING is here!!! God bless, neighbor!!

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March 18, 2025

Thirty Four years ago this week I purchased and moved into this house – first house I ever owned! And here I am, still going strong. But the secret is, mostly it owns ME. It’s always telling me what to do.

WOW – a lot sure has changed!!!

Like today — I was outside for almost 2 hours playing in the dirt. I figure if I spend just a little time whenever I get a minute in nice weather, I’ll probably have the gardens weeded and looking good by November…

This section done.
Before I cleaned it up.
Now it’s done…

Diane sent me pictures of her second round of daffodils, and now her forsythia is in bloom. I noticed that my lilacs are budded, and the trees are full. Hoping I get a lot of flowers this year.

Diane’s daffodils
Diane’s forsythia.
One of my clusters of daffodils.
Lilac bushes
One of my clusters of hyacinths,.
My biggest hyacinth.

My little dancing sun catchers are very happy today. The bear is really going to town, while Santa Snoopy is just nodding away.

And speaking of bears – today is my friend Bear’s birthday. Hope you have a great day, my good friend!

Bear and I

Scripture of the day:



May be a doodle of drink and text that says 'IJUST I JUST WANT TO SAY, I HOPE YOU HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY! mar waykz'

TOMORROW March 19th is:

Certified Nurses Day; International Read to Me Day; National Automatic Door Day; National Backyard Day; National Chocolate Caramel Day; National Let’s Laugh Day; National Poultry Day; National 3-D Day.

Reading is awesome – and so is laughing! And have a chocolate caramel while you’re at it. God bless…

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St. Patrick’s Day 2025

Actually it didn’t seem like St. Patrick’s day for me today. We had a little bit of that celebration on Saturday, then again on Sunday at the potluck. There was lots of food Sunday, and some trivia and a few jokes. The weather got pretty nasty so most people (including me) slipped out a little early. I was glad I did, as the wind was terrific and the rain was a downpour.

Potluck = playing trivia

Todd’s message was ‘Struggles that Strengthen’. – Basically he talked about kindness. I took a ton of notes, but I’ll just share a few. There is a kindness void these days – don’t withhold kindness. The most prevalent places to see the opposite of kindness is Social Media, Customer Service rudeness, Family neglect, no compassion to strangers, and political and social Divisiveness. In showing kindness you reflect Christ. People are actually starved for kindness. Try to do at least one act of kindness every week!

The surprise at the service was that my great nephew Isaac (Jesse and Tonia’s son) filled in at the piano for worship time! I didn’t even know he could play anything but drums. He was amazing – I was happy and proud of him. His drum teacher, Dr. Booker, has been teaching him extras. Way to go, Isaac!

Isaac at the Keyboard

By the time I got home and finished organizing everything from Saturday, the sun was shining and the storm had completely calmed down. It was almost like Jesus said PEACE, BE STILL!!! I loaded the car up with things I promised to drop off for Kathy and headed over there. We talked through the door for a few minutes. I was glad she is feeling better!

Items for Haiti.

Kelly sent me a video – Logan and Craig were at a hockey game again at West Banco Arena. They and two of their friends were on the ice to play a ring toss game. Looked like they really had fun.

It was Faith and Family night.

This morning after breakfast the horses were out in the field across the street. I stood and watched for a few minutes, then they kicked up their hills and trotted off across the pasture.

neighboring horses.

I made a batch of cinnamon muffins for breakfast, then I started on the shower curtain project in the laundry room. It looks so different that I’m still trying to make up my mind. I may still have to adjust the length of one of the curtains. I’ll decide after I see it for a few days.

The curtain behind the little freezer is what I’m still deciding on.
I think the room looks bigger.
Actual shower curtain – and I’m testing out the darker rug.

I also changed the outside flags a few hours early. Sort of spring ones up now. I also switched out the blankets for spring, even though it’s a few days early. I don’t think anyone will be too distressed. Changed out the green lights on the bookcase for multi-colored.

Spring blankets
Couch blanket and pillow covers.


2 Tim 4:17 Bible Verse Wallpaper


May be a doodle of text that says 'Happy St. Patrick' Day! イー F ©PNTS'

TOMORROW March 18th is:

National Awkward Moments Day; Forgive Mom and Dad Day ???; Global Recycling day; National 3-D Day; National Lacy Oatmeal Cookie Day; National Sloppy Joe Day; Tea for Two Tuesday; World Social Work Day; National AG Day.

I don’t think I have anything to forgive M&D for! I’ll have tea tomorrow- but probably for one! God bless…

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March 16, 2025

I’ve been trying to access my website for almost an hour. Finally got in! I will use today’s post for yesterday’s Skunk Hollow Women’s Fest. Everything else will be covered in the next few days, including Todd’s message from this morning and our potluck lunch afterwards.

Happy skunk cartoon Royalty Free Vector Image - VectorStock

As I sit here I think I am hearing thunder. I thought we were done with that for the day! Anyway, yesterday I started the morning putting the final touches on things. I put the trash can in the garage, clean rugs on the floor, and brought serving bowls and utensils downstairs. I needed to put the shredded cheese and lettuce in sealed bowls, and chop the tomatoes. I defrosted the already cooked shredded chicken, put it in the crockpot, and added seasonings. Once it was simmering I went on to the next chore.

Just getting started.

The ground beef needed cooked, which I did, then seasoned it and stuck it in the smaller crockpot. Once they were both simmering nicely I put them downstairs on the table with extension cords. I made iced tea, lemonade, and took that down with an ice bucket and cups.

Where’s the beef?

I had just finished with all the food issues when Connie and Gail pulled in. I was so excited they were early! We got their food set out and they got comfortable in the family room. Both Karens, Holly and Beth came next, and Gwen came shortly after. Colleen could not make it due to a construction ’emergency’ (aren’t they all???) and Kathy, of course, couldn’t come due to illness. But the 8 of us picked up the gauntlet and had a great time on behalf of the whole group.

Karen V, Beth, Holly
Gail, Connie, Karen O (If you look closely you can see Kathy’s picture on the bookcase!)

We spend EIGHT HOURS chatting – and we covered everything from health, and spouses (or lack thereof!), Children and grandchildren, houses, jobs (or lack thereof!), travel, future events for the SHW girls, food choices, missions, porches, fresh air, summer, shopping (especially TJ MAXX — ask Holly and Connie!) — I can’t even remember everything. We ate all afternoon. Once we had eaten the tacos and side dishes, we waited an hour an had dessert. We took a short break and had snacks, then more tacos, then chips and dip, finished a bag of pretzels and half the M&M’s, looked at pictures, passed around videos on our phones, played a fun game, and eventually got around to missing our parents. (Except Gwen – UC and AJ are very much thriving!)

Karen V and Beth
Holly and Connie – the TJ MAXX girls!
Gail (our matriarch) and Karen O
The whole gang –
Karen V’s legs, Beth, Holly, Gail, Connie, Karen O, Gwen

Our mission for this event was to all pitch in together and make New Mother Kits for the women in Haiti. There were specific items that are desperately needed, and as always when there’s a need the SHW pitch in. And they didn’t disappoint. What a blessing for these new mothers and sweet babies!

They really came through!

Karen O gifted me (as hostess) with a box of Cats Claw tea, which I am anxious to try! I shared a few with Kathy, as its purpose is to strengthen the immune system (among other things). She also gave me a beautifully painted butterfly stone. Beth gave me a beautiful candle set that has glowing bulbs! Sweet girls!

Butterfly stone
Candle set.

The girls were so gracious and helped carry leftovers upstairs, and once everyone had headed back toward HOME, I put the food away and cleaned up the family room. It was such as wonderful day, and we all connect is such a special way that I can’t imagine ever not getting together like that. We already have suggestions for the next four events! I’m ready! Reaching out with love and hugs to my ‘girls’!!! Love you all.

Front: Gail, Karen
Back: Me, Holly, Beth, Karen V, Connie, Gwen.


Friendship Bible Verses Photos, Images & Pictures | Shutterstock
(and cousin!)


TOMORROW March 17th is:

Act Happy Day; Camp Fire Girls Day; Doctor Patient Trust Day; Evacuation Day; National Corn Beef and Cabbage Day; St. Patrick’s Day.

March 17th is the anniversary of St. Patrick’s death rather than his birth. Did you know the shamrock stands for the trinity, or for faith, hope and love. I don’t have to act happy when I actually AM! God bless..

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March 14, 2025

The moon was big and bright last night but I didn’t see a red moon. I was up in the night but nothing that I could see.

Bright white moon

I got up a little early this morning and changed my sheets, then did two loads of laundry. I had to meet my tax accounting at 10:30, so I had to be organized. We always meet at this certain parking lot uptown, a block from the post office. So I went past Dad, said hi, and we both pulled in at the same time.

Hi, Dad!

I was thoroughly surprised today when I got a lovely thank you note in the mail from my friend Patty – the one who had the Hymn Sing at River Hill church last week. In all the decades that I’ve been sending her notes and letters this is the first time she’s sent me anything. I was touched and very excited! She sent Kathy and Paul a note, too, and mentioned me. Sigh…

From there I stopped to help Mike P with a deal, then stopped at the bank, and finally got groceries at Walmart for tomorrow. After a quick lunch I set about cleaning the garage and prepping it for tables. It will be so much more open and convenient to set the food and drinks out there. And it will be warm enough tomorrow. Everything that can be done today is done, except for a small amount of ironing.

Tables set up in the garage.

The downside of that is – – I have to leave the car outside! But it will be fine.

Car is all cozy and setting for a night outside.

YOU are sworn to secrecy — SHHHH!!!

I guess I was naughty….

Kathy had something that I had to pick up from her. She’s not feeling well so she can’t attend tomorrow. Sure puts a damper on the plans and the day. Praying for her quick recovery!

I printed out a picture so she’ll be there in spirit!

On the way home I stopped and got gas in the Nissan – and took a few pictures of the courthouse.

It just looked majestic in the sunlight!

SCRIPTURE of the DAY: (Not really a scripture but a great thought!)


TOMORROW March 15th is:

Skunk Hollow Spring Women’s Fest!; National Shoe The World Day; World Speech Day; World Contact Day; International Sport Car Racing Day; Maple Syrup Saturday; National Corn Dog Day; National Peanut Lovers Day; National Quilting day; True Confessions Day; Brutus Day; Buzzards Day; Dumbstruck Day; Everything You DO is Wrong Day; Ides of March (Happy birthday Mike Gregg!)

I will be busy celebrating the SHWF Spring event all day – so don’t be surprised if I don’t post tomorrow. I could probably identify with doing things wrong! Have a lovely day! God bless…

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March 13, 2025

Today was full but not crazy. Pinnacle had several deals and titles, and I finished up the paperwork for my friend Teresa’s granddaughter. She sent me a picture of Gabby sitting in the car getting used to it. She’s already excited and her birthday isn’t until April!

Gabby settling in.

Kelly sent me a picture of a big antique milk can that her friend was getting rid of. She’s going to bring it for me, but she said we’d never get it out of the car by ourselves. I guess we’ll beg the neighbor… or her brother!

Emphasis on heavy

My friend Nancy sends out those Jacquie Lawson ecards. The one she sent yesterday had a beautiful e-puzzle. I loved putting it together.

Thanks Nancy!

I’ve spent weeks trying to decide what new shower curtains I wanted for my laundry room. I finally decided. I’ll see what they look like when they get here. They should come Saturday but I won’t have time to deal with that until Sunday or Monday.

Chrissy and Autmn finally agreed on a date for the next Crocus Tea. Last year we missed having one – Chrissy was a senior, Autmn was busy getting used to Monaca and baby Cameron, and I spent 7 months fighting various illnesses and maladies. So we picked the first Sunday in April and I already have the list made out! Cameron wants cookies! Autmn wants cheese, Chrissy wants strawberries, and the both want pizza and cream of potato soup. The crocuses are up so it’s time!

More crocus blooming.

I saw the cutest Snoopy St. Patrick’s Day blanket at Burlington today. And believe it or not, I did NOT buy it! Not that I even need another blanket….

Peanuts Snoopy 50x70” St. Patricks Day Shamrock Plush Throw Blanket Soft NEW - Picture 1 of 4

Tomorrow is my ‘get organized’ day for the Skunk Hollow event on Saturday. That includes getting the food I need and putting everything together for the buffet. Then I have to meet my tax lady and give her my documents. When I was getting organized the sunshine was making rainbows on my papers.

TONIGHT is the FULL MOON! Make sure you peek out to see it. It’s called the Worm moon or a blood moon, and it will be a lunar eclipse tonight about midnight.

full lunar eclipse graphic


warrior of god inspirational   vinyl decals with       for laptops bottles windows cars 0


May be an image of text that says 'Good Morning And the end of the Day what really matters, is that your loved ones are well, you're done your best, and that you are thankful for all you havel Prru Z Si Aave a blecced and happy HURSDAY'

TOMORROW March 14th is:

National Write Your Story Day; Pi Day; Save a Spider Day (NOPE!!); White Day; World Sleep Day; Bake a Pie in Solidarity Day; Celebrate Scientists Day; Dog Theft Awareness Day; Dribble to Work Day; Genius Day; International Ask a Question Day (Why?); International Day of Mathematics; Legal Assistant Day; National Children’s Craft Day; March Full Moon; National Freelancers Day; National Learn About Butterflies Day; National Potato Chip Day; National Preschoolers Day.

I’ll write my story – or anyone’s for that matter. I will try to check out the full moon. I was never a math whiz. Potato Chips and Butterflies are both nice. God bless… (the preschoolers…)

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March 12, 2025

I’m going to skip the post tonight. My computer was doing some updates and just now finally came back up. Then I couldn’t get into my account. Ugh.

13,200+ Computer Angry Stock Illustrations, Royalty-Free ...

But I spent all day cleaning and reading and doing laundry so there’s nothing exciting to post anyway. So I’ll catch up tomorrow – Sending hugs and thanks for checking in.


111 Bible Quotes and Inspirational Scripture - Parade
Right now I’m grasping patience!


May be an image of text that says 'GOOD MORNING! Whatever you decide to do, make sure it brings a smile to your face and joy to your heart. Have a Blessed Day!'
Does cleaning count?

TOMORROW March 13th is:

National Open an Umbrella Inside Day; Purim (Esther Fast); International School Meals Day; K-9 Veterans Day; National Earmuffs Day; National Good Samaritan Day; National Jewel Day; Popcorn Lovers Day; Smart & Sexy Day.

God bless…

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March 11, 2025

Getting up in the mornings has not been an issue. That surprises me as I’m not a morning person. But you do what you gotta do! I didn’t have to work today, but I still left the house at 9am and picked up my prescription refills, helped Mike P with a deal, and made it to the meeting at Hanna’s Town early.

Steele house – Hanna’s Town

We had about a dozen people at the meeting, and were able to go over the schedule and agenda for the Spring tea and make all the food assignments. We had several new members of the committee and they were pretty willing to make cookies and sandwiches, etc. We’re all ready for the adventure!

The Spring tea is Opening Day – May 3rd.

I stopped on the way home and bought all the requested Easter candy for my family. Sometimes if you wait you can’t get what they want. I was able to find everything, but a few of the candy choices were not ‘Easter’ packaging – just normal everyday candy. They taste the same so I don’t think they care. I came home, turned myself into a ‘pretzel’ and got the outdoor spigot turned back on, and washed the Nissan. This is its first bath since I got it – it was super dirty so it looks very nice now!

Happy, clean car.

So – last night! We had a really great evening with the PEEPS! Liz could not make it – (Love her, but her loss!!!). April brought Chick Fil-A, Joelyn brought us hand made soaps (for the bath, not to eat!), and I had drinks and snacks and desserts.

April and Joelyn

We ate a whole bowl of white chocolate covered popcorn. It was quite a hit. All of us are dealing with something stressful – some harder than others – so we spent the evening bearing our souls and lifting each other up. I felt like I was very fortunate to basically just be tramping through my medical appointments and prescriptions! Theirs were much deeper and even heart wrenching.

Empty popcorn…
She brought a bunch of sauces…

Joelyn’s daughter is in Arizona – she just got her Master’s degree and is working out there. April has a son and daughter in the area, both struggling a bit, and a daughter in St. Louis in the military. She plans to visit her sister in Wisconsin for Easter and is excited to go there and visit.

While we were chatting and eating, Chrissy, Autmn and Cameron stopped for a minute. They needed to pick up something and it was fun to see them. We were excited to introduce Cameron to April and Joelyn. There was a lot of laughing going on, and Cameron LOVES to laugh and he just laughed with us! I was obsessed with my little guy and didn’t even take pictures when they were there.

Previous picture

I was able to offer some comfort and suggestions to the girls before they left. They don’t have a strong faith base, but I was able to share a few thoughts with them that I thought would be a comfort and offer direction, without pushing them away. April is generally receptive to that.

Sharing your faith - Teleios, Inc.

Tonight I handled a title transfer for my friend Teresa. She was giving her old car to her granddaughter. So we were able to get that handled for them with ease, and a little discount! I was glad to be able to help with that.

No photo description available.

It’s early – for me – and my plans changed for tomorrow, so I’ll be on track for cleaning. Oh, joy. Have a lovely evening and enjoy the beautiful weather!

Not sure why it says Mt. Pleasant – I’m home!

JOKE: I used to be addicted to the Hokey-Pokey; But I turned myself around…. (HAHAHAHA)

SCRIPTURE for the Day:


TOMORROW March 12th is:

Alfred Hitchcock Day; National Baked Scallops Day; National Girl Scout Day; National No Smoking Day; National Plant a Flower Day; National Working Mom’s Day.

I work, and I’m a mom! I used to be a Girl Scout. I’ll be planting flowers, but not tomorrow. God bless…

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