February 16, 2021

It was a slow and easy day – treadmill, breakfast, then Pinnacle/Greensburg. It was actually fun to be out and about. I came home and mixed up a recipe for Grama’s Sugar Cookies that Gail and Colleen each sent me. I will keep it in the fridge overnight and see what happens tomorrow… Think I’ll make shamrocks and freeze them. I need to make cinnamon rolls, too, as I think Kelly’s family is coming up next week for a day and the boys love them. I see Abie and Bimbo’s pizza in my future, as well.

I will share part 3 on Elijah by Rod from Martin’s Ferry. LIVING IN HIS SHADOW. God can fix anything in your life. God sent Elijah from the brook to find a widow who would take care of him. Elijah found her in the kitchen – doing day to day chores. He asked her to make him a cake of bread, promising that God would supply her needs if she supplied his. She did, and God did! There was always enough. Always remember to thank God! When the widow’s young son died, Elijah did 3 things: 1) He hid (again) and took the boy and was alone with God. 2) Elijah asked God to raise the child. No one had been raised from the dead up to that point, but Elijah had faith. 3) Everything rested in the hands of God. Elijah believed and we should too. It will all be made perfect in His time. The Lord HEARD and he HEALED the boy. See beyond the messenger/preacher, and see the Lord. We are in the shadow of God, and he’s at our side. We can ask for anything. Belief must turn into action – faith leads to action. Reach out in faith!

On this day in 1861 Abraham Lincoln stopped his train at Westfield on his way to Washington to thank 11-year old Grace Bedell in person for her advice to grow a beard to gain more votes. In 1964 the Beatles made their 2nd appearance on the Ed Sullivan show, and in 1968 Elvis received a gold record for HOW GREAT THOU ART. In 1969 Tammy Wynette married George Jones, and in 1982 Lee Majors divorced Farrah Fawcett. Vera-Ellen (Judy in White Christmas) was born in 1921, and today is Rebecca Sinclair’s birthday. She was my daughter’s College roommate and they were in each other’s weddings. I miss seeing her as she lives in the south now. Happy birthday, Becca!!!

May be an image of 2 people, including Rebecca Bridgman Sinclair and people smiling
Becca and Rick
Actress Vera-Ellen

TOMORROW February 17 is:

In case you were wondering, as I was, the significance of Ash Wednesday: (Quote) “Ashes are an ominous sign, and we use them on Ash Wednesday to remind ourselves of our own impending deaths . Death may come sooner, or it may come later, but it will surely come.” I say we focus on Jesus’ death for us, because of love, and his resurrection to save us FROM death! It’s an interesting origin, though, and worth looking into. God bless….

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