Valentine’s Day 2-14-21

Everything was ice this morning – so I stuck with the treadmill. Spent the morning in the kitchen and made a big meatloaf and a large pot of cream of potato soup. After lunch I managed to get my couch. I have two weeks to pick it up, so I’m in the process of arranging a truck. Nate and Dave will help with the switch.

Since it’s a day of love and friendship, I thought I’d send Kudos to those who have held me up and kept me semi-sane over the last year or so. Some – a lot longer! (Sorry I don’t have photos of everyone!) First, of course, is my sister – without whom I would have no anchor. She keeps me on track, and rooted, but lets me fly, as well. Helps me stay focused on what is important, and strengthens my faith daily.

May be an image of 1 person

High school friends Gen and Diane – hard to believe I’ve known them both for so many years (Gen since 8th grade and Diane since 9th). Both have made me look outside myself, and appreciate everything that surrounds me, and to be thankful!

Diane – always hiking!
May be an image of Gen Morris and smiling
Gen and friend!

People I have met through work: First, the Smail PEEPS – April, Liz and Joelyn. My sounding boards, my support system, three ladies who mix it up! I miss them A LOT! Bill and Rick, Jen, several more… The Pinnacle guys validate my purpose, and help me to feel the value of what I do.

Peeps plus more! (Liz, Joelyn, Anna, me, April, Robin)

Writer friends – Linda, Nancy, Katy, Mary Ann, Judith, Barb – just to name a few. I know the minute I would need anything, they are there. Best critique group ever – in addition to steadfast friends!

Hanna’s Town group – Bruce, Lisa, Joanne, Pam, Claudia – and many more. I REALLY miss being out there, and all the programs that got cancelled or rearranged, and hoping they can be up and running soon!

Historic Hanna’s Town

Ron in Florida, who has stuck by me for over eleven years, and has seen the worst of me, the best of me, and the in-between! Miles do not separate those who care.

May be an image of Ron Shafer
Ron at Dan Rice Days in Girard PA

Bear from the Civic Center Theater. We’ve known each other since the early 1980’s. In fact, I’m helping to usher at the play next weekend.

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Barry Shirey -on stage left. My Bear!

Church friends – too numerous to mention, from the early days at Hempfield to now, when we can’t see each other as we like. Mae, Teresa, Mary, and Joni most especially, and my little kindergarten class. Probably by the time I get back to teaching them, the ones I will teach haven’t even been born yet! Heavens!

Family – Kelly’s family, Nate’s family, Kath and extended family, and my sweet Mama. Of course, the Violets (Deb/Kath) and the Skunk Hollow Girls (Gail, Connie, Karen, Holly, Beth, Colleen, Gwen, Karen V, Kath) – what would I do without you? AJ/UC – special anchors for me as my ship tosses! Cousins! Dear sweet cousins and their families!

May be an image of 4 people, including Jen Johnson and Nathan W. Burke and people smiling
older photo of Nate’s family
Old photo of Kelly’s family
Skunk Hollow Girls

And even those friends I seldom see these days, like Linda and Lynn and Lynne and Caroline…

My seven sermon guys: Paul, Mike/Kyle, Greg, Steve, Micah, Rod, Bram/Scott. They feed my soul!

I know once I post this I will think of a dozen more – but even if I didn’t mention you (like my two prayer partners, Ashly and Natalie) you are still occupying a little corner of my heart. Stay strong, stay safe, and stay close to God’s love – and share the love He gave you with everyone! Love you all!!!

I will share Mike’s message from Hempfield, as he inspired this post. Relationship boosters: Friendships. “Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future.” We need friends; true friends: 1) challenge us to be better people, not be complacent and accept less for ourselves than we should. 2) encourage us in the Lord; keep us honest and real 3) will tell you the truth in love and not just say what you want to hear. Value your true friends, and be a valuable friend to others. Friendships are truly a blessing from God!

Mike from Hempfield

On this day in 1349, 900 Jews were burned alive after being blamed for the spread of the Black Death (And we think there’s a strong reaction to COVID!) In 1849 James K Polk was the first serving President to have his photo taken, and in 1931 Dracula starring Bela Lugosi was released. The George Burns & Gracie Allen show debuted on the radio – I remember watching them on TV much later! In 1962 First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy conducted a White House tour on TV, and in 1967 RESPECT was recorded by Aretha Franklin and became Billboard song of the year. Jack Benny (another show I watched on TV!) was born in 1894. Dolly the Sheep died at age 6 in 2003 – She was the first mammal cloned from an adult cell. Meg Ryan and Dennis Quaid were married in 1991. And 31 years ago today Jim proposed to my Violet cousin Deb! Happy proposal anniversary – she told me the sweet story! I love to hear happily-ever-after stories!

May be an image of 2 people, including Deb Steiner Gregg and people smiling
Jim and Deb
Sheep Dolly the Sheep
Dolly the Sheep

TOMORROW February 15 is:

Happy Valentine’s Day, my sweet friends. May God richly bless your lives with health and laughter and delightful friends! God bless…

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