February 5, 2021

The answer to yesterday’s question about Alex Trebek is: Jeopardy!, Classic Concentration, and To Tell the Truth! Did you get it right???

TV Host of Jeopardy! Alex Trebek
Alex Trebek

I managed to keep busy all day, with laundry and organizing things and running out a few times. I went this afternoon to my favorite local Fleatique in Adamsburg. Saw lots of fun and interesting things, one being an Uncle Wigley game!! I remember spending lots of hours playing that with the cousins at Grama Crooks’ house. It was a bit costly or I would have bought it just to bring it home and explore – I remember very little about it!

Uncle Wiggily Game – we used to LOVE playing this! Wish I could remember why 🙂

Also spent over an hour organizing my cards and notes and stickers and storage boxes. I think it will be easier to find what I need now. One box had greeting cards, one box is all Snoopy, one is Christmas cards and thank you notes, etc.

Organized and sensible!

Instead of sharing a sermon today, I’m going to share part of my friend Gwen Wolfgang’s daily devotional. It’s copyrighted so you can’t do anything with it – but the idea is that a shepherd LEADS his sheep, and keeps them safe and protected, fed and rested. If you are being urged from BEHIND, and PUSHED into something, like he’s running behind the flock, driving them instead of leading them, you can be pretty sure it’s not the Shepherd, but the butcher! It’s Satan who is pushing you. Be alert! Follow the Good Shepherd. Thanks to Gwen Wolfgang for her insight. Listen to the calming, leading voice of the shepherd who calls your name.

The Good Shepherd leading his sheep

On this day in 1919 Hollywood film studio United Artists was founded by Mary Pickford, Charlie Chaplin, D W Griffith and Douglas Fairbanks. In 1981 Joni Mitchell was inducted into the Canadian Hall of Fame (my friend Bill Smail would be excited to remember that!). Hank Aaron was born in 1934, and in 1826 future president Millard Fillmore married Abigail Powers. We were at their home when we traveled to New York – lovely time! Kirk Douglas died in 2020 at age 103, and today Christopher Plummer passed away at age 91. I thought he was so romantic in THE SOUND OF MUSIC! Who didn’t? Especially when he sang EDELWEISS – I had a small wind-up clock that played that! I still have the clock but it doesn’t play anymore.

Millard and Abigail’s house
Christopher Plummer and Julie Andrews

TOMORROW February  6 is:

So I guess you need to eat Ice Cream for breakfast, Frozen Yogurt later, Chinese food for supper (use your chopsticks!), and then play outside to work off all that food! Have a fun day! God bless . . .

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