Sunday February 8, 2015


AFA 2-15Last night four of us had the honor and pleasure of attending the Action For Animals fundraiser at the Latrobe Country Club.  It’s called ‘Love is in the Air’, and as far as the animals are concerned, there certainly is!  Smail’s are a corporate sponsor for the annual event, and we enjoyed representing them at the function.AFA.1  2-15

Action for Animals needs $1500.00 PER DAY to house, feed, and vet the animals under their roof.  That is a daunting task, and takes amazing effort to meet those needs.  They never turn away requests to rescue animals if there is room at the facility, and along with helping take care of the animals, they provide assistance when necessary to adoptive ‘animal parents’ who need help keeping and caring for their animals at home.

Their mission is to always stay full; no space is empty for long after a pet has been adopted.  All the animals have names, and they are all happy and well cared for.  In fact, they routinely have to call pest control to prevent rodents from being a problem.  The cats are so content that they ignore the mice and just co-inhabit!

If you’re considering a pet, consider adopting a rescue dog, or cat, or even a rabbit.  Get in touch with Latrobe (PA) Action for Animals and be a foster mom or dad!  Later this week I’ll tell you about Penny, the therapy dog that was rescued and adopted through Action for Animals.  Penny is an amazing animal, doing amazing work in her own humble way.  I’ll share some of her story later….



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