July 3, 2020

One more day! 🙂 I’m excited, just for the celebration of it. I’m proud to be a part of this great country – even with it’s flaws and distress. Because there is joy and love and beauty here, too. Sort of like Rod’s message yesterday: We have to decide what perspective we are going to take. It’s all in the attitude. Keep it positive.

Today was an ok day. I was thinking as I worked outside (for about 45 minutes) that even with the heat it was a glorious day! Mom and I basically stayed in – I thought it was too hot for her to be out. She sat on the deck at about 10:30am while I gave the thirsty flowers a drink, but then we went inside and did laundry, ironing, made potato salad, brownies, and lunch. After Mom went back to Kathy’s I had a quick 20 minute errand to run, then did the little bit of outside work. I sawed off some branches on the lilacs in the herb garden (looking good!) and took a few more pictures. Sorry that the ’76’ is backwards. I have it facing so I can see it from inside and sitting on the porches.

Side garden – see Snoopy on the blue flag in the top right corner?

Herb garden

Herb Gargen

Backward 76 and flag wreath

Snoopy fireworks

I tried to listen to Kyle at HCC, but their media wasn’t working and they were recording via phone. I couldn’t hear anything. I did, however, distinguish that Kyle was speaking about the next fruit of the spirit: Joy. The only points I could pick up were that we must keep our eyes on Jesus, and on the Joy set before us. On the horizon. We must trust Him daily (minutely!!!!) for our joy. I remember from other messages that joy is not happiness. Joy is a decision you make, a gift from God, despite circumstances. The Joy of the Lord is our Strength!

On this day in 1754 George Washington surrendered to the French at Ft. Necessity. Tom Cruise was born in 1962. Today is National Fried Clam Day (yuck), National Eat Your Beans Day (rats – we had peas!!!), Chocolate Wafer Day (do brownies count??), and Stay out of the Sun Day! (Of course I didn’t!!!).

Let’s have Snoopy have the last word. Love your enemies! It will bring you both JOY! God bless…

Snoopy and his bunny buddies

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