Well, I had the last (???) medical appointment for January – that I know of. It turned out OK. I really like this doctor – we have a mutual good friend (that’s how we met) and I trust her and she’s very thorough.
So after I finished with that appointment, Chrissy met me at the house and we had lunch at Panera Bread. We both had broccoli cedar soup – and a baguette. Perfect for a cold day! We had fun chatting, too – Chrissy and her friend Hope like Thrift shopping, and I gave her the names of the three local Fleatiques that I frequent. I hope they can go soon. She’s really liking her job, and training for a management position. I’m happy to see her happy!
She sent me a picture of the dishes she found for our next Crocus Tea – it’s an entire set of vintage plates and bowls and cups and accessories. She’s very excited! They are beautiful!
After she dropped me off, I had to pop over to help Mike P with something, then picked up 2 items that I need for the weekend. I intend to spend the rest of the day typing, reading, and watching HGTV.
TOMORROW January 24th is:
Just Do It Day; Beer Can Appreciation Day; Belly Laugh Day; Change a Pet’s Life Day; International Mobile Phone Recycling Day; National Compliment Day; National Peanut Butter Day.
I’ve never, ever appreciated a beer can! A simple act of kindness can change a pet’s life. We should be more generous with our compliments. Not a big fan of Peanut Butter. Happy Thursday – God bless…
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