I was very much tempted into staying in bed – at least just going to church. But once I was up I felt ok. I think being out in the cold air shoveling and cleaning up makes me cough and then I get tired. But I’m fine otherwise, and managed to get to the church on time for Sunday School. Our class is studying the book of Malachi.
Afterwards, Todd’s message was continuing on the beginning of the Church. Jesus’s resurrection was the center of the church’s foundation and message. Any church should be based on scripture – and that is the real hope for real people. Our goal should be to see people come to Christ, not to just increase attendance. But when we are part of God’s family, we will want to meet with other believers.
Mary and I finally caught up since Christmas, and she gave me my Christmas present. It was one of the best Surprises of the holiday! It’s no secret I’m hooked on Biltmore! Thank you, Mary!
Can’t go any further without sending wonderful birthday wishes to two beautiful ladies! Happy birthday to Skunk Hollow cousin Beth – and her daughter Sabrina. Hope you both had lots of hug, too much cake, were surrounded by friends and family, and feel totally loved! Love you!
I had soup for lunch, then did a few chores inside, and took some time to read a chapter in my current book. It’s a collection of novellas, and this story is about a young lady who is dealing with memory issues. The information is very interesting.
My plan was to switch out the lights, since they weren’t working again. But when I turned them on they were all lit. Good grief! So I’m going to watch them for about a week and see if they stay on. I’ll worry about switching them out if they stay off more than they are on.
Since it was slightly warmer than it has been, I decided to take my Marshall’s gift card and do some browsing. I walked around for about half an hour, and have to admit nothing really caught my eye! I will say that my pitcher broke – twice – and I’m about done messing with it. So I did find a nice one – very plain but sturdy – and that was all I bought.
I walked down to Dollar Tree and got birthday cards for two of my girls that have birthdays in January. Autmn is the 21st and Kelly is the 27th. Then I kept walking down to Aldi and got my multi-vitamins. From there I went to Walmart, but by then I only needed three things, having found everything else on my list. The sky – when I left – was beautiful! I couldn’t get a very good view but it was still inspiring.
Scripture of the Day:
TOMORROW January 13th is:
Coming of Age Day; Korean American Day; Make your Dream Come True day; National 4th Graders Day; National Clean Your Desk Day; National Gluten Free Day; National Rubber Ducky Day; National Kathleen Day; Stephen Foster Memorial Day; National Sticker Day.
My dad was in Korea. My desk is always clean. And Gluten free – here’s to Gen and Gwen! Rubber Ducky – Cameron loves them! And here’s to my FAVORITE Kathleen. I was always the sticker lady at work – I had a big envelope of stickers and the kids would always come and peek over the half-door to see what I had! That, and M&M’s! God bless…
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