September 21, 2024

I got a pretty good night’s sleep last night, but was wide awake a little after 6am. That was ok – I felt rested and got started with my day, changing the sheets, getting a shower, and having breakfast.

A waffle – but I sprinkled a little cinnamon and sugar on it.

When I got up and looked out the window this morning, there was a big orange cat in my driveway. I’ve never seen it in the neighborhood before. In fact, we NEVER see cats or dogs loose in the ‘hood. I walked out on the deck and it took off.

When I opened the door it escaped under the fence.
Taken through the screen

After a cup of hot tea, I decided to go to a rummage sale that Di told me about at a church she sometimes attends. I really enjoyed looking around at everything – they really did have a lot there! But I didn’t find anything I felt had to come home with me.

Clever sign.

I picked up my prescription at Giant Eagle, then stopped at Dollar General for … no apparent reason! I did find a cool plate, plus the one I found at Giant Eagle.

‘Thankful’ from Dollar General; ‘Grateful’ from Giant Eagle.

I took a little walk around the yard. I found a lone little bloom, the last rose of summer, and what looked like the perfect place for a bird on a wire.

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Probably the last rose of summer.
All by itself.
It’s actually a twig – doesn’t it look like a clothesline?

Before I ate lunch (a salad from Di), I trimmed the Pinky Winky bush and pulled a few weeds up near the white fence. Once I got settled, I got Chrissy’s package ready to mail on Monday, and did the ironing. Tomorrow if I can I will cut the grass and read stories.

I think I did an OK job – my first try!

My blessing for today was that I felt like doing a few unnecessary things!

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

TOMORROW September 22nd is:

National White Chocolate Day; National States and Capitals Day; National Scissors Day; American Business Womens Day; Car Free Sunday; Dear Diary Day; Elephant Appreciation Day; Fall Equinox/First day of Autumn; Fall Prevention Awareness Day; Hobbit Day; National Ice Cream Cone Day; National Legwear Day; National Temperature Control Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was National Tape Day. Tomorrow – I’ll go for the chocolate and first day of Autumn. And Ice Cream Cone. But I need my car. And I never stopped to appreciate an elephant before. God bless…

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