September 7, 2024

Yea for me – I finally got some of the Flash Fiction stories read. They are just about what I expected! Some were very clever, some ordinary, some I’m embarrassed to say I didn’t understand at ALL, which could either me be or the writer! I’m not entirely good with mythology. I still have 35 stories to read and score.

You know — like a Phoenix…

Typical Saturday morning – changed and washed bed sheets. I also put the fall flags out – I was going to wait but it was so cool today I was inspired. And since it wasn’t dark enough last night to get pictures of the deck lights, I am including them here.

Back deck
Front deck
Front walk

I also balanced the checkbook, and low and behold it balanced the very first time to the penny! Wow. I guess my ‘new method’ worked! I went into town and got gas for the Mazda and for the mower. Also decided to make potato soup. It should be light on my stomach. I felt a slight improvement today but not enough to be happy about.

I don’t take mowing-selfies…..

Today’s blessing was sunshine and beautiful skies!

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

May be an image of text
Try again tonight….

TOMORROW September 8th is:

National Actor’s Day; National Sweep the Floor Day; Grandparents Day; International Literacy Day; National Dog Walkers Appreciation Day; National Hug Your Hound Day; National Iguana Awareness Day; Star Trek Day; World Ampersand Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was National Shell Day. Tomorrow- I’ll celebrate my dear actor friend Bear! And as a grandparent, I could appreciate that! Happy Sunday – God bless…

My friend Bear (Barry)
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