July 30, 2024

I started out the day very unmotivated. I had one deal in Jeannette and a few things to do for Joe in Greensburg, and stopped to help Mike P with some wayward titlework. Sigh. From there I got gas in the Chevy, stopped at the bank, and did a quick Walmart stop to get a few items for the weekend.

Going from job to job.

My star capri jeans needed taken in, so I ripped out a few small seams and did that after lunch, which was toast and tomato. Yum. I did answer some emails and looked up some information, then just out of the blue I went outside and weed-whacked the whole yard. The grass didn’t really need mowed, but a few spots were a little scrungy, so I just lopped them down with the weed-eater and called it done. Then I got a shower and clean clothes.

Star capri jeans

I still have ironing to do.

Today is my dear friend Diane’s birthday – we sat together in homeroom in 10th grade and have been friends ever since. Her daughter was the flower girl in my wedding and I was a bridesmaid in her wedding. That’s a lot of years of friendship! Happy birthday, Diane!

Diane’s wedding photo – I’m on far right. She’s the bride!

I don’t expect anything else to be noteworthy today.

My blessing today was the sunshine and bright clouds that peeked through after the mid-day rain!

Blue skies….
Opps! Rain again! I still appreciated the sunshine!

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

TOMORROW July 31st is:

Happy Potter Birthday; Lifeguard Appreciation Day; National Avocado Day; National Ketchup Day; National Jump for Jelly Beans Day; National Mutt Day; National Raspberry Cake Day; Shredded Wheat Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was National Rock Day. Tomorrow, let’s just…. celebrate! God bless…

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