July 26, 2024

Today was a full day – lots to do, some of which I didn’t expect. After breakfast I decided to run errands first, then get busy on home chores afterward. I started by stopping at Pinnacle Jeannette and picking up the background report that Ken ran for me. I took several copies – for me and for the church (working with kids) and for Mike P.

From there I stopped at Dollar Tree to pick up a few items for Christina, then deposited a check at the bank. I dropped the documents off to Mike that he needed, then ended up at Walmart. I was just inside the door there with my very short (4 items) list when Ruth called (Loyalhanna Review editor) and said she was ready for the supply bin if I wanted to drop it off.

I buzzed through Walmart, then home to get the tub and drop it off for Ruth. She knows I volunteer at Hanna’s Town so she asked me to drop off a stack of the new Loyalhanna Reviews out there. This weekend is their big WW II event and they expect a nice amount of visitors so it’s a perfect place to put them.

Flowers at the Steele House at Hanna’s Town.

After I got home, put groceries away, and ate lunch I changed clothes. I had two ears of corn and tomato slices.

And then there was one…

Then I went outside to finish cutting back the hostas. All done! I’ll wait and see what projects call my name the loudest for my next adventure outside. I went out to drop garbage in the outdoor can and STEPPED ON A LANTERN FLY. OH, YUCK!!!

I don’t think I hurt him, ’cause he flew away!
Front bed by walk
Side by porch
Near the back gate.
Secured the mock orange plant so it doesn’t fall onto the deck.

I had a lot of typing and business chores to work on this afternoon and just finished those. Still have a list, though, so I’ll save some of that for tomorrow!

Quick photo of my bright flowers before going inside.

My blessing today was that I didn’t have a melt down when I stepped on that stupid lantern fly!!! (I thought about it…)

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

TOMORROW July 27th is:

Bagpipe Appreciation Day; Barbie in a Blender Day (just…no.); Cross Atlantic Communication Day; National Plaid Day; National Chicken Fingers Day; National Crème Brule Day; National Love is Kind Day; National Day of the Cowboy; National Sleepy Head Day; Take your Houseplant For a Walk Day; Walk on Stilts Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was National Rooster Day. Tomorrow let’s be kind, sleep in, and take your plant for a walk. God bless!!!

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