June 26, 2024

Today was a lazy start. I read for a while, got a shower, then discovered that Chase was up very early! He said he was readjusting his sleep pattern but I don’t think it worked. It’s 6pm and he’s napping…


So I made French Toast for breakfast, then started with chores. Even though I wasn’t going to clean the whole house I did want to give it a quick wipe. I did the bathrooms and the kitchen and the floors. I emptied the trash, did laundry, and finished the ironing. By then it appeared to be Chase’s nap time, so I made a big pot of potato soup. It seems to keep my stomach calm.

Potato soup

I’m reading IN THE COMPANY OF OTHERS (Jan Karon) but having trouble getting into it – it’s set in Ireland. The characters are all new, the dialect is very different, and I’m having trouble following what’s happening. But I’m just on chapter 4 so I shouldn’t get too frustrated until I’ve read more.

After the soup was done, I changed the yard flag (still had the birthday one up – shows how behind I still am!) and got the mail. Nothing. Now we are waiting on Nate and Chrissy to go Axe Throwing! I’ll probably post that adventure tomorrow!

Getting ready

These are the goblets I won through the Ninth Life Auction. I washed them up and have having iced tea now!

My blessing today was having a whole day at home to catch up and accomplish something!

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

TOMORROW June 27th is:

Decide to be Married Day (No thanks…); Helen Keller Day; National Bingo Day; National Handshake Day; National Ice Cream Cake Day; National Onion Day; National Sunglasses Day; National Work from Home day; National Snowflake Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was National Soap Day. Tomorrow I’d say have some ice cream cake, but not with onion on it! God bless…

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