Memorial Day 2024

There was a bit of rain and wind during the night but none during the day. That surprised me. There were strong breezes but manageable. I washed a load of clothes, ate breakfast, then finally set down to watch the documentary on the Beach Boys on Disney +. It was informative (Though I’ve seen most of the footage and heard the stories before) but sad. I felt like crying at the end. The band was SO YOUNG when they started out, and had so much stress and distress. By the end of the band’s career things had just fallen apart. It’s like Ricky Nelson’s ‘Garden Party’ – the band wanted to change and grow but the fans (old and new) wanted their traditional music. Sigh. That would be me!

It was two hours.
Early days – Fun Fun Fun!

I ate leftover chicken from Kathy’s picnic, then buzzed over to Walmart. I needed an iTunes gift card to update my phone account, and garlic toast. Got both.

Gift card.

Again, I expected rain all day — but it’s been lovely. I changed clothes after Walmart and cut the grass, weed whacked, pulled a few weeds, dead-headed a few stalks of flowers, planted the leftover flowers from the cemeteries, and watered the new plantings. Then I was a mess so I got a shower. After I post this I will grab food and maybe iron.

Hope this little guy and his sister perk up! Portulaca
My plant identifier says this is Periwinkle!
Bunny is thriving – she has several different color blooms!
Cut grass.

Mamma bird tried to rebuild her nest on the porch light. NOT!!! I tore it down and put the bag back over it.

Tore the nest apart.

My blessing today was taking my time! No rushing, just doing what needed done.

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

May be an image of text that says 'LET US NOT FORGET Memorial Day... We Honor The Brave Men and Women Who Gave Their Lives In Service ToOur To Our Nation Protecting Our Freedoms Because... (ុ) Ti ሥን FREEDOM IS NOT FREE HOME OF THE FREE BECAUSE OF THE BRAVE'

TOMORROW May 28th is:

International Burger day; Butter Popcorn Day; National Brisket Day; Slugs Return From Capistrano Day; Whooping Crane Day; World Hunger Day.

Yesterday’s Fake Day was National Cold Water Day. I like cold water every day! I can always celebrate burgers – remember Wimpy from Popeye? I really don’t care if the slugs EVER come back from Capistrano! Have a happy back-to-work day! God bless…

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