There was just a handful of tasks at each Pinnacle today. I stopped afterwards at Aldi and got 3 items to make veggie soup tomorrow and another small batch of chocolate covered popcorn.
I came home and answered emails and waited for Autmn to call. She had an on-line appointment that we had to wait for. When I was about a block from their house, Chrissy called and her friend Hope wanted to come up (to Chrissy’s). She lives right up the street from Autmn. So I collected Autmn and Cameron – Autmn has been working really hard to get their home organized, and Cameron’s room looks so cute! Then we got Hope, dropped her off at Chrissy’s, got Autmn lunch at Subway, and came home.
Cameron wasn’t sure about the whole process but once we got him settled on the floor, on blankets, with his toys and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on the TV, he was happy! He laid there for the longest time and played, and talked to me, and laughed.
Autmn had a cup of hot tea with honey (she’s had a cold), and took a nap. Cameron and I had quality time – food, diapers (him, not me), nap (him, not me), more play time, and lots of smiles! He sort of kept hitting himself on the forehead with his toys, but he just laughed again! It was a great-mimi/grandson bonding day! Today, I didn’t feel like they were here long enough! I could take pictures of him all day.
The answer to yesterday’s riddle is ‘The Future’. Today’s puzzle is: Rearrange the letters in the word CONSIDERATE to discover the related phrase. Answer tomorrow!
Birthdays, etc., for January 4th: Isaac Newton 1643; Jacob Grimm (Grimm’s Fairy Tales) 1785; Patty Loveless (Country singer) 1957.
PEANUTS thought for the day:
TOMORROW January 5th is:
National Keto Day; National Screenwriters Day; National Whipped Cream Day; National Bird Day.
My mom loved birds, especially cardinals. John loved feeding them and had feeders all over the yard. Enjoy your day and your weekend – God bless…
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