Sunday, June 29, 2014

Morning walk 6-14This photo does it little justice, but the view from the top of Denton on my morning walk was so tranquil and amazing.  The hills, the houses hidden in the mist (almost like Brigadoon!), and the quiet of the early hour just inspired me. 

I am thinking about a conversation from last night, and about how it was brought home to me that I have so many amazing blessings in my life!  God’s grace, my family, friends, someone who loves me for just who I am (although I feel very unworthy!), job(s), writing communities, even good health –  – There is not much more I could ask for.

Funny thing is, at this point in my life, mostly what I ask for is for those I care about: wanting peace, health, comfort, prosperity, happiness, contentment – and a little bit of ‘dream come true’.

And right now, in this minute, that is what I wish for you.  M

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