August 21, 2022

It was sunny when I left for church, but I was only there about 15 minutes when it started to pour. There’s a member who rides his mountain bike to church every week, and he got caught in the storm. The educational wing doors are always locked but I heard him up there and ran to open it. He was dripping, soaking wet, but very happy to be safe! The radar had been clear when we left the house – he was not a happy camper! But he did have dry clothes so all was well.

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I sort of thought that since it was pouring rain I could get out of washing and cleaning my car – NOPE! By the time I changed clothes and had lunch it was sunny, warm and clear. So that project is done and I have a clean vehicle!

My shiny Nissan Altima

While I had the car outside, I cleaned up the drink storage and switched it out with the paper product storage in the laundry room. Everything is now neater and easier to get to. Small things!

Organized drinks
Paper products and trays

But this morning in Sunday School Mary had the kids playing a game which they love – and they had a great time with it! The lesson was about Daniel in the Lion’s Den and they learned about Daniel praying to God, even against the king’s new law. It doesn’t matter how many time I hear, read, or teach a lesson, I always come away blessed!

Shanelle, Gracie (purple hair bow), Ben (in blue), JJ, Max, Mary
Mary was having as much fun as the kids; she’s a great teacher!

Di sends four of us a morning song (there’s always a theme), and this morning after the song she sent me pictures that our friend from High School took of Friday’s sunset. She lives in North Carolina. Her photos make mine look pale and dull! She’s a great photographer. Thanks for sharing, my friend!

My favorite one.

Brian (cousin) fixed my mower and brought it back this afternoon. I’m so excited to have both mowers working now. So next spring I will get a small storage ‘shed’ and keep one mower up by the house and the other one down in the big shed. No more dragging the mower up and down the hill! Again, small blessings!


August 21 – Share an early experience with make-up. “We didn’t have lipstick but our cousin Helen brought us a bottle of fingernail polish (no polish remover). We painted our ears, chin and nose. Dad was so mad he made us keep washing until we finally peeled the bright red polish off our face. A lesson learned the hard way!” That is a funny story!

Calendar inspiration – Peanuts!

Quote –

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Scripture – Two today!

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See the source image

Random Photo –

Skunk Hollow girls – Marge, Karen, Gail (sitting)
Colleen, Kathy, Karen V, Holly, Connie, Beth
(Gwen missing)
We miss Susan!
Best friends and cousins!
Karen, Beth, Marge, Susan, Colleen, Gwen, Karen O, Gail, Holly, Connie
Kathy was taking the picture!

TOMORROW August 22nd is:

Ahhh. Tooth Fairy. I could use one. But I somehow doubt that will happen. Have a great week – God bless…

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