A hard week —

This last week has been exceptionally emotional.  A few highs, but a lot of lows.  Ron leaving last Sunday was both –  so excited for his Appalachian Trail adventure, and all the wonderful experiences he will have.  But it’s hard to imagine him on the trail for six months or more.  It will take getting used to for both of us, as well as his family, friends, and neighbors. Thank goodness for the joys and pleasures to look forward to.

But then, a little tougher — A co-worker, Danny, lost his step-father last week. Even though it was a long illness, it is never easy, and it was hard to say goodbye and to comfort his mom.

On Tuesday my dear friend Lynne (and her young son Caleb) lost their husband/father.

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Dale had been diagnosed with brain cancer about two years ago, and although he was a fighter and a deeply faithful believer, he lost his fight and went home.  There is sadness and mourning for a while, but there is rejoicing in heaven as they welcome this child home.

On Wednesday morning, only hours after being released from a triple by-pass surgery, my cousin Gail got word that her husband passed away in Indiana Hospital.  He had a lung disease and struggled with breathing and talking, and was longing to go home.  His Father welcomed him with open arms, and we can only praise God that now Andy is laughing and talking and probably having coffee with St. Peter!  We will all miss him, and his family will feel the loss most assuredly; but again, the angels rejoice!Andy and Gail 3-17

Prayers of blessings and comfort are being raised in hundreds of homes, lifting these people up.  Jesus said that in this world we will have trouble, but He has overcome the world.  As we mourn and comfort, let us rejoice in those words, knowing God is good, all the time! 

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