July 17, 2022

It was good to be in church this morning. We had six little ones in our Sunday School class, two of whom did not seem to have too much Bible background knowledge. They were thirsty! It was nice to have them there and hoping they will keep coming.

Today was a catch-up day. I worked on the Publication Party, making lists and working on centerpieces and arranging set up. Mary came over and helped decoupage the cans – they turned out cute. Once they dry I will fill them.

Getting started on the centerpieces
Letting the cans dry.
Book covers and first lines

While I was waiting on Mary I was checking out the flowers. I noticed that I have two different colors of gladiolas. The purple ones are so deep, and the two-tones pink are bright and beautiful!

Two-toned Pink
Deep purple

The Snoopy doghouse is done and up! The address did not work like I planned. Although they were plastic, they were paper based, and the rain made them wilt. I will get the right kind at Lowes this week.

July 17 – Share a memory involving a heatwave or drought. “When July & August came we had to water the garden & the flower beds. Mom saved the rinse water on wash day & sometimes the dish water. It was hard work.” And we just turn on the hose!

Calendar Inspiration –

Quote –

See the source image

Scripture –

See the source image

Random Photo –

Flowers – 2011

TOMORROW July 18th is:

SNOOPY is out of his doghouse and sitting happily on the roof – in my front yard. Thanks, Chase! And both Chase and I love Jolly Ranchers – he likes blue and I like green – sour for sure. Have a great day – no caviar! God bless…

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