July 11, 2022

I did end up going to work this morning – although not much there. I made some copies for a project that I needed to work on, then came home and got some things done here.

Chase got up about 12:30 and we made pancakes. That was lunch for me and breakfast for him. Then we went to Walmart for his shoes and our paint. We cleaned the Snoopy board very well and pealed off the flaking paint. Chase taped off the doghouse part and we put about 4 coats of red paint on. While he did that I finally planted the chocolate mint ground cover Dottie gave me last month! Tomorrow we will do the white (Snoopy) and maybe Woodstock’s yellow, and then let it dry for a whole day before we add the black details. It’s coming along!

Chase’s new slides – they are holograms
Chocolate mint ground cover
Dog house – 4 coats of red paint

Today my brother-in-law Paul (Aunt Cordelia AKA Kathy’s husband) turned 70 so we all went over there for dinner. It was nice to be with everyone, as we seldom get together. It was a fun evening, and even Chase survived with 2 1/2 hours of no video games! Millie was enamored by him so it made the evening a little lively. Kathy and Sarah’s hearing impaired friend Lynda Sue came, and Millie was trying to copy the sign language conversations. Lynda Sue enjoyed watching her try.

Lynda Sue entertaining Wyatt and Kathy
Millie and Chase – birds???
Kyle – Lynda Sue sitting down
Lynda Sue, Jesse, Sarah, Tonia
Wyatt & Paul sharing a moment
CARROTS??? Where’s my ice cream!
Chase ‘plugged in’.
Paul & Millie blowing out candles;
Jesse in the doorway
A good time was had by all! – including the hats!
Isaac, Chase, Sarah, Paul, Kyle, Millie, Lynda Sue, Kathy, Tonia, Jesse – I took the picture (Wyatt was sleeping)

Last night my first Hempfield prayer partner, Ashly Stillwagon, got married, and I was sent a few photos of the wedding. She looked beautiful and I heard that the evening was wonderful. Wishing happy, loving, perfect years for these two special people. God bless Patrick and Ashly!

Ashly’s parents, Faith & Scott
Ashly & Patrick
May be an image of 1 person, flower and outdoors
Beautiful Ashly McMillen
May be an image of ring, flower and nature
See the rings in the center of the purple flower?
May be an image of 2 people, people standing and outdoors
Ashly and Patrick
May be an image of 5 people, people standing, wedding and indoor
A ‘glowing’ reception
My niece Sarah and Kyle – she was a bridesmaid.

July 11 – Did you go fishing in your childhood? “We did fish in the small run back of our house. We didn’t have regular fishing poles or fish hook. We bent a straight pin and tied a string to the hook and then on a stick. We did catch tiny fish.”

Calendar Inspiration – It’s your day!

250 Best Happy Birthday Wishes & Quotes for Friends, Family & Coworkers

Quote –

150 Birthday Quotes and Sayings | Keep Inspiring Me

Scripture –

Best] 15+Happy Birthday Bible Verses With Wishes Quotes Images

Random archive photo –

Paul preaching an August message

TOMORROW July 12th is:

I love cows! I will celebrate for sure! You MUST go find a cow tomorrow and tell it how much you appreciate it! I think Chase and I will do that. Happy day! God bless….

I Love Cows - Cow - Pin | TeePublic
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