July 4th 2022

Again, not much sleep, but after a shower I felt pretty good so I headed as scheduled to Hanna’s Town for their Free Museum Independence Day Celebration. Louise and I interpreted the tavern; she did downstairs and I did upstairs. We were busy all day. Except for the 45 minute program of hearing the Declaration of Independence read and the ‘new’ flag raised at the fort, we both talked from 11am to 4:30pm. I can tell you I was ready for a break, and I know Louise was glad to be done. As she is part of Proctor’s Militia (her husband Scott is the captain and they stayed there last night), she’s been on site since late yesterday afternoon! They do such a terrific job!

Part of the militia going past

When I arrived Louise was explaining the 18th century games to some of the guests. I was excited to see my friends Diane and Shannon come out. I did the tavern ‘tour’ – upstairs and down – then they went to explore. We were busy all day. About 1:30pm Kathy & Paul came out, and joined in the program. It’s very moving to hear those words read aloud, and know the price they paid to put those words to paper and signed their names. George Washington’s prayer was read, then the Declaration.

Explaining the games
Diane & Shannon
Louise giving a background of what led up to independence.
Reading George Washington’s prayer
Reading the Declaration

We walked to the fort, and the British flag was taken down and the ‘new’ United States flag was raised. The Militia did a salute, then demonstrated firing positions out in the field. They also fired the cannon. It was really a perfect way to celebrate – and remember – the founding of our nation.

British Flag coming down
New flag flying
Salute to independence
Shooting the cannon
Shooting the cannon

Nate txt me that they were at the zoo. I’m glad they got to do something fun! I took down my red/white/blue decorations except didn’t get to the window stickees – they take a long time. May do that next; may wait until tomorrow!

Nate’s family at the zoo!

July 4 – Tell about Independence Day traditions of your childhood. “We had a wire fence all the way around our yard. We would put the American flag in the wires next to each post. We had a couple dozen to put around the yard. Dad made sure we handled the flags with respect.”

Calendar inspiration – Like a complex quilt, our nation combines great variety to create a glorious unity, better than the sum of its parts.

Random photo from archives –

Fireworks at Colonial Williamsburg -2015

TOMORROW July 5th is:

Tomorrow is ‘back to work’ after a nice break! And I’m thankful that – so far – I don’t have a full calendar for July! God bless — AMERICA!!!

God Bless America, Military, Veterans, Snoopy | Snoopy love, Snoopy funny,  Snoopy and woodstock
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2 comments on “July 4th 2022
  1. Mary says:

    Very nice

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