Thursday June 19, 2014


DSCN4872This has been an amazing week so far!  With VBS every night and so many activities, I have been on the run.

Yesterday was made extra special by the enormous art project that my granddaughters and their friends created for me.  My grandsons called and sang to me, and Ron stopped by with muffins (topped with candles!) and sang right in my office! Wonder of wonders!

The girls at work gave me a mug imprinted with the cover of ‘Letters to Mary’, and my sister made a mini-book also with the cover. And that was just the beginning! Such clever and loving people, to make my day so special!

When God says he made us special, I believe that – not just for myself, but for all of those wonderful people who are also very special, and add to my daily blessings! Thanks to all of you – have a great day!

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