June 16, 2022

Another very hot day – but a tiny breeze is saving things. I worked at both stores and ran errands after – including picking up the lunchmeat to feed tomorrow’s movers and stopping at Diane’s to get some excess food from the food bank. She gets excess from a friend and there was so much that she called me to help distribute. I have a few people that welcome the extra, which is good because with leaving on Sunday I could not utilize the fresh food.

Four boxes

Sir Rege switched out my car this morning – a 2021 Kia Seltos. It’s a very nice little SUV, and I’m really excited. There will be plenty of room for our 4,375 items (???) to fit in the vehicle, plus it should be fairly good with gas mileage. It’s very comfortable, as well. Thank you, Rege! YOU are the best!!!

First time to have a KIA!

I made macaroni salad after lunch (for tomorrow) and plan to help Kathy this evening – so this is the extend of my post. Tomorrow will be busy but I’ll post what I can.

TODAY is Barry Freger’s birthday (one of Pinnacle’s owners, whom I have known since the early 90’s or before) and also would have been Ron Buschek’s birthday. He was our first youth pastor at HCC and I was stricken with a huge crush on him. He was a special guy and I was glad to have called him my friend. Thinking about both of these guys on the celebration of their birth.

Ron with his girlfriend (soon to be wife) Patty

June 16 – Relate your happiest memory as a youth. “I think it was being grown up enough to be allowed to go out with the older boys & girls to just do what young kids do best. NOTHING. We had fun & we didn’t spend money because we didn’t have any to spend.” It would be interesting to see today’s kids buying into that mindset!!!

Yesterday’s vacation destination was not a destination. It was ‘jokes’ or things that make you laugh. Here are more:

This is my favorite!!

Calendar inspiration – There is quiet beauty in even our hardest chores.

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation Destination –

Which U.S. cost is this National Park on?

TOMORROW June 17 is:

Tomorrow is moving day – and Kathy LOVES flip flops. So join me in celebrating my SISTER! And have a piece of Apple Strudel while you are at it. God bless…

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