Be Still….

Be still, and know that I am God….  That is the beginning of Psalm 46:10.  It does not refer to staying in bed when you are sick, but it sure fit this last weekend.

I have spend a lot of time over the last month assuring people very close to me that when you ARE sick, you need to allow yourself to be sick.  Rest, drink lots of fluids (especially water), and don’t push yourself.  Don’t spread germs by going to work or meetings or programs, even if they are near and dear to you.  Be still….

These past few days have found me coughing out my own words.  It started mildly with me on Thursday evening, a slight cough and just an overwhelmingly tired feeling.  My co-worker was ill and I was suspicious that I may have picked up something, but I kept going that day.  By Friday morning I knew it had caught me, but I couldn’t take Friday off because the other 2 girls in my office were off, and I’m the department manager, so…

But by the time I got home Friday evening, I knew that the only thing I could do was NOTHING!  I threw a sheet over the couch, got my meds, turned on sappy Hallmark movies (yea for Hallmark movies!!!) and crashed. Cold 1-17

It’s not like there was nothing else to do.  The temperature was a balmy, sunny 60* plus, and my granddaughter Autmn’s birthday party was in the afternoon, and the Ligonier Ice Fest was Saturday and Sunday (on the list!) and I had a writer’s meeting Sunday after church.  I wasn’t about to spread these little germs, so with one swoop I knocked everything off the list and stayed home.

I’m sorry to have missed these things, and I’m not even sure what Monday will bring, but for now, I am trying very hard to ‘Be still…..’  Actually, I don’t have to try at all.  Blaaaa. 🙂

God bless and stay healthy!!!

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