Happy birthday Autmn Rose!

Fourteen years ago on January 21st we were waiting for a little bundle to arrive.  I had to work late and just barely walked into the hospital waiting room when little Autmn Rose Stairs Burke entered the world.  im000020

Her life has been a series of ups and downs – great moments of joy and fun, and hard moments of struggle.  She slept in dresser drawers and Snoopy cribs, hopped from one house to the other, and just tried to figure out her life.

But I have seen in the last few months that she is growing up.  She’s pretty and smart and has really been working on doing the right thing – which is hard for all of us!  She splits her time with her mom and sisters, her dad and Chrissy, her Nanna, and me.  I’m always excited to spend time with my Autmn, just hanging at the house or going out on missions or outings of some kind. A Compass Inn 5-16

Last week when she was over, I showed her my new Samsung tablet, and the one app that I had downloaded.  She just looked at me.  Before fifteen minutes had passed, we had downloaded facebook, and the weather app, and the Hallmark Channel, and several other things that I wanted to have.  So now, thanks to Miss Autmn, I’m all set!

I look forward to what this year will bring – before another year passes, she will move from the middle school to the high school (yikes!), and before two years pass she will be talking about driving.  How does time go by so fast?Autmn's dance 1-16

Happy birthday, Autmn – I’m really excited to see what comes next for you.  And I will pray for wisdom and peace and joy in your life, every single day!  

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2 comments on “Happy birthday Autmn Rose!
  1. Autmn says:

    Thanm you so much mimi i love u

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