Peyton’s gifts

Thanksgiving was such fun this year!  It was wonderful to have my family all here and enjoy a day of fun and food.  I am thankful for each one who came, bringing their own offerings of love and joy. But ironically, the day started with a Christmas present!

Peyton climbed out of the van and carried in a long, wrapped plank that looked like a rectangular ironing board.  I could not even imagine what it could be.  He was beaming with excitement and presented it with great flourish.  I took the very heavy object and tour off the paper.peytons-2-11-16

I cannot even tell you the amazement and joy that settled over me when I looked at this present.  Between Peyton and Kelly (his mom/my daughter!) they explained that the evening before Peyton had taken this heavy, rough plank of wood and sanded one side smooth.  Then he had painted the scene – the snowy ground, the blue sky with snowflakes, the bright green trees sparkling with gold ribbon, topped by shining stars. peytons-3-11-16 I was speechless, which for me says a lot.  Even as I write this the tears are in my eyes and on my cheeks.

That little man is beyond talented.  To create such a piece of art and beauty is a blessing and a gift.  I have watched him create his projects from the time he could pick up a crayon, then a hammer, and now this.  I’m not sure I can put it away once Christmas is over!

But after dinner and dessert were over, and we had placed the Nativity pieces in their traditional places (always on Thanksgiving when we are all together), the kids needed something to do.  Peyton and Autmn got out the art paper and masking tape (of all things!), and Peyton set about making a basket (sort of the bottom of a hot-air balloon). peytons-11-16 We were looking for something to put inside when we came up with the Peanuts idea.  Charlie Brown, Snoopy, and Woodstock are now floating below the window by my desk, watching me type and taking in the sights.peytons-1-11-16

I am thankful for each person in my family, and all of my ‘grands’ are special in their SPECIAL ways, but this Thanksgiving I am especially thankful for my young grandson with a very loving, giving spirit, that he would present me with something that will last my lifetime and beyond, and for sharing his talents in so many ways.  Love you, buddy!  Thanks from the bottom (and top!) of my heart!!!

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