
volant-1-10-16This past Saturday, the original four Skunk Hollow Girls met at Volant (just outside of Grove City, PA) to have a fun day of shopping and visiting.  It seems like forever since we’ve done that, and despite the rain and cold we had a wonderful time!

We parked by the old mill – and armed with rain wear, ‘mad’ money, and a heart for a day of shopping and bonding – we set out through the little village.  The street is several blocks long, with quaint stores and boutiques lining each side of the road.volant-2-10-16

Evidence of fall was everywhere – from pumpkins and corn stalks to witches and ghosts and goblins—- Oh My!  The little shops welcomed the shoppers in out of the cold rain, and we spent far too much time chatting in the middle of the aisles and standing in front of the displays! 

It was exactly what we all needed!

We ate lunch at the little restaurant, where the food was old-fashioned made from scratch yummy, and we sat over our teas and iced water for longer than the waitress probably appreciated.  When we walked out with our tummies full, the sun was shining through puffy white clouds against the bright blue sky.  We had all bought treats at the old fashioned candy store, and shared our dessert snacks as we finished up looking through the shops.volant-10-16

We found garden flags on clearance in one store, and I found a beautiful Christmas flag with a white church and a steeple.  Kath was immediately taken with it, and was compelled to buy it.  She insisted, however, that it was MY FAULT that she bought it and also insisted that I owe the money for her buying the flag!  I think this friendly little battle will keep going for a long time – and I also think she made a great purchase! Other than that – and a table runner that Susan found – we bought very little, but we loved browsing and chatting and catching up. 

You can’t put a price tag on friendship, especially between sisters and cousins. THAT is invaluable!  The day was perfect from start to finish, and we’re already talking about when we can do it again.  So to Sue and Gail and Kath, thanks for a lovely day, lovely memories, and a prescription for happiness that was just what the doctor ordered!  Let’s not wait so long next time!  Love you guys!

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