His Place

His Place.2 6-16Yes, a purple door.  And it’s on the main floor at His Place in Pittsburgh. I know it’s a bit fuzzy but it’s a scripture verse.  I need to hire a photographer because I cannot hold the camera steady!  Anyway, my sister Kathy, her husband Paul, my friend Joni, and me of course, go to His Place in Pittsburgh the first Friday of every month to teach elementary girls’ Care Club.  Jesus cares about us, and we should care for each other.

It’s pretty basic, but it’s also extraordinary.  Going to an unfamiliar area, teaching kids that we don’t know well, it’s a big challenge.  One that I know God has called us to do.  And as the scripture says, we do serve the Lord.

His place 6-16We’ve been able to get things into a workable routine, greeting the girls as they come in and getting them settled to hear the Bible story, which Kathy teaches.  They are like little sponges, absorbing the Bible words and learning the lessons God wants them to know.  Even when we think they aren’t listening, they amaze us with the right answers and surprising insight.

His place.1 6-16This week for one of our craft projects they tied a fleece blanket to give to someone who is ill.  The lesson was about being part of the Church, and we learned about Dorcas making clothes and giving them to those in need in the community.  This blanket is an outreach of their being part of the church, to give and love.

We have work pages, and arts and craft (which is Joni’s specialty!), and of course the evening would not be complete without snacks!  Usually we have healthy snacks, like cheese and fruit and pretzels and crackers.  We also have cookies and chips sometimes, and always end the evening with little M&M fun size snacks for each of the girls (that’s MY specialty!).  Songs and a prayer circle ends the evening as we send the little ones back out into the world. Rick and Deb are the directors, and believe me, that’s THEIR specialty!  A big thanks for all the effort, love, and prayer they put into all the kids, all the time.His place.3 6-16

Last Friday was our last class until October.  I wish the girls a fun, healthy, safe, and God-filled summer, with lots of programs at His Place.  Looking forward to seeing you all in the fall!  Enjoy!

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2 comments on “His Place
  1. Kerri says:

    This is wonderful! God bless you and the girls and everyone involved!

    • Marge Burke says:

      Kerri – it’s a great experience and I feel blessed to be a part of it. We start back up in October but in the meantime I can watch what’s going on through HIS PLACE facebook page….

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