Memorial Day 2016

Mem day 5-16How thankful I am to have the opportunity to remember those who have done so much to secure our freedom, and to give us this great country to call our own.  I was inspired this morning on my walk in the early morning, seeing this brand new flag in a neighbor’s yard.  I decided to take a few random photos to show our expressions of patriotism.

Mem day.1 5-16In addition to the flagpoles, lots of houses had little flags lining their driveways and sidewalks.Mem day.2 5-16 There were also banners on fences and railings, and even on porches.Mem day.3 5-16 This flag happens to be hanging on my sister’s porch, and this banner is on my back deck. Mem day.4 5-16 Note the 1776 flag, as well.

Mem day.5 5-16I even had a Snoopy and woodstock banner out front, and red/white/blue lights lining the back deck railing.

There are lots of ways to show our love and support for our country, for our grateful thanks to those men and women who – since the beginning of our great nation – have given so much.  Flags and banners are just a small demonstration.

Mem day.6 5-16This morning Kathy and I went to the service at Westmoreland County Memorial Park, and the speaker there was from the Pentagon.  She brought a flag that was raised half-mast, and that flag had flown at the Pentagon.  The heart of her speech, which was very moving, encouraged us all not to express our appreciation to our fallen veterans in words, but in giving back to our communities, states, and country, helping families make better lives for themselves by our service.  Well said.

After the service, Kath and I walked around the cemetery, stopping to honor our dad and to ‘visit’ our family members and friends buried there.  We paused for a photo shoot with President Kennedy before going on our way.Mem day.7 5-16

We came home to make ‘blue’ (??) popcorn, eat Jello/pretzel salad, and listen to old 45rpm records from the 50’s and 60’s.  So it truly was a day of remembrances.

But above all, again, it was an honor and a privilege to pause in our busy lives, and remember those who have fought, and those who have died, and those who are missing – the ultimate sacrifice for the land and the people they love.  Take some time out of your busy schedule, and be truly thankful.  And be blessed.

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