Flowers in the rain

The day started with warm Popin’ Fresh cinnamon rolls with icing and moved from there to a rousing game of Monopoly.  Chrissy had the most property and I think Autmn had the most currency.  I just tripped along buying and not buying and paying a lot of rent.  Ended up in Jail, but the next turn lucked me into the Free Parking jackpot!

After the game, Chrissy went home but Autmn and I went to the Arona Road Greenhouse to pick out some flowers.  She has an eye for color and variety and picked a few things to plant in her own little space at home. I prefer the Gerber Daisy and the orange Marigold; Autmn liked the Geraniums and leaned toward yellow, mostly. We went next to Home Depot and got some potting soil for the yard pots and a few other flats to fill in.  I dropped her off and came home to put the flowers on my park bench under the top deck.FLowers 5-16

By the time I grabbed a bite of lunch it had started to rain.  🙁   So now I had a bench full of flowers and it was cold and rainy.  Bummer.Rain 5-16 But as I sit and write this, the rain is fading off to a light drizzle.  I hope to give it another 15 minutes or so, then layer up in garden scrubs and start to plant.  I’ll save Autmn’s flowers for a sunny evening when I can go over to help her weed and plant.

They have a lot of forget-me-knots and white Dutch iris over there;  I think maybe a trade can be negotiated!  Stay tuned for the outcome!!!

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