Logan’s birthday

Logan and Autmn 4-16Sunday, April 24th, my middle grandson Logan turned 9 – on the day he was born:  again!  I tried to download the video, but with my unskilled computer knowledge it kept saying it was too large to transfer.  🙁  But Logan asked back in March if he could be baptized – immersed – on his birthday.  His parents and ministers talked to him and gave him a workbook – to be certain he understood his choice and what it meant.

So early on Sunday morning Autmn and I drove to Martin’s Ferry Christian Church and took part in their worship service, and at the end of the morning, Logan’s dad went down into the water with him and performed the baptism – transformation into a Child of God!  It was exciting and amazing and emotional and wonderful!  So proud of this little guy and the huge decision he made to choose Jesus!

Logan's birthday 4-16Back at the Hancher house, Matt manned the grill (burgers and dogs) while several of us handled the rest:  homemade mac/cheese, strawberries, watermelon, corn, baked beans, chips, and sweet tea.  After eating way too much (strawberries went like WILDFIRE!), we gathered in the living room and watched Logan open his presents.  There were some gifts that even I would have loved to get!!  Chase was so excited for his brother he was grinning ear to ear!  We sang happy birthday and then had Oreo Ice Cream Cake for dessert.

The afternoon wound down with the guys playing a mini game of soft ball, the kids watching the new Star Wars video, the dogs basically lying around in the sun — I opted for a run to West Virginia.  Before you think this is an amazing feat – it’s only about 3/4 of a mile!  The neighbor’s 3 brown horses pranced up near the fence to great me on the way past – they are beautiful horses!  I ran back through the covered bridge and across the bottom yard to the pigpen and personally introduced myself to Baconator, Blackbeard, and Second Breakfast – which were totally unimpressed with my presence.  The boys found a snake on the hill – Kelly whacked it with a shovel and threw it in the creek.  So it was a very animal-istic afternoon!

Autmn slept most of the hour’s drive home, and we were glad to be back safe and sound.  But I want to say a huge HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my Logan – with wishes for many more, and a loving, dedicated life lived for God every single day!  Love you, my little one!

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